Friday, November 13, 2015

Who Knew?

Well I recently moved into my first REAL apartment with my boyfriend.
 Not a dorm, not a sorority or school housing. 
A real lease binding sign your name in blood apartment. (Minus the blood but it kinda felt like it). 
The stress is at a major high but whats worth it is I am so happy. 
Who knew running to the grocery store 3 times in one day would be fun. 
Or being so tired from moving boxes in one hour because you have to go to work.
 But it was fun and it keeps getting better.
 I honestly feel like I am just playing pretend grown up. 
Who knows what will happen next.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Just Drive

Take me back to the empty highways and endless laughter. 
Dusty boots and windblown hair.
This photo shoot took place a couple months ago during the careless summer days. 
I want those days back.

Photography by Emma Morem 
Styled by Melanie Hauge 

Friday, September 25, 2015


Fall Reflections.

1. Write more. Document the moments spent inside cuddled up in warm sheets with hot tea
2. Be caring. Weather changes peoples moods drastically take time to notice and appreciate
3. Stress less. Summers carefree weather is gone but that doesn't mean the attitude has to be
4. Embrace life. It is always moving and so are we so embrace it

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Hello Virtual World

This has been life. My life. I actually forgot I had this blog started..  tonight I was reading this chicks blog and realized I was still logged onto this. So yeah I am going to start up again and not tell a single soul. 

Friday, August 1, 2014

I've Been Distant

I'm sorry for the lack of blog posts lately. I have been having so much fun with my summer I haven't had time to recap most of it. I just started some classes at The Seattle Art Institute and those have been keeping me very busy as well. I have some great ideas I want to put together and show all of you VERY soon. Thank you for being so patient with me.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Fremont Fair

Yesterday was such a beautiful day out in Seattle, perfect for walking along side the Fremont's Fair booths. 

Monday, June 16, 2014

Old Friends - New Places

Flew to Arizona to drive to California with my best friend I haven't seen in a year for a short 5 days. Not only was it my first time in Disney Land, but also those two states. We jam packed both Disney parks in two days and the rest was spent in Arizona. Friday turned out not only to be the 13th, but also a full moon (which doesn't occur again until 2049). We thought spur of the moment tattoos were a good idea. We didn't think we would be getting ink at 2am, but lets just say it was a fun experience. And my last day was spent cruising down the highways chasing the sunset. I now know to go when it isn't 110 degrees. But I will be back eventually. What is your guys favorite place to visit during summer?

Saturday, June 7, 2014


I could be one of those people that talks about every amazing heartfelt memories I've cherished over these past four years, or more I've spent with my class. Or, I could talk about some of the things I picked up along the way of carving my path through your "great high school career". 

1. Be You. I cannot stress that enough. Sure, make some new friends, participate in sports but, stay humble. I saw kids during these couple years fall victim to the "yah lemme just copy what students do and wear and how they talk". But wait, I did that. And than I realized why try to be somebody different? Being real is one of the best traits to have. Nobody likes a fake anything.
 2. Stay Focused. I think I personally took the term procrastination to a brand new level. Yes, I waited to take an online class that would determine if I could walk or not. Already stressful right? Well one week or so before we knew if we could walk or not, I was winging a long test that test was my online class I was supposed to be doing all year.. And in the middle of that I found out I didn't need that class what so ever.. So moral of the story is to actually try to get work accomplished in the beginning of the year so you don't have to stress the last few weeks before your summer adventures.
3. Be Positive & Passionate. Don't sink into the negativity of peoples words or actions. It might seem ok to make fun of people or don't respect other peoples belongings. But you come to realize it's not. Not at all. The best people out in are society are aware of their words they speak and write. Hoping they leave a positive impact not just on our youth, but the older generations. We can effect not only individuals but groups if we are having a positive outlook on life itself. Passion, we are all born with it. Sometimes it may fade away but once you find what you love literally carpe that fucking diem. And I mean that. We all have such great energy inside us and we should use it to the best of our advantages. Doing what you love. Imagine if we all had the chance and found the passion in things we enjoy. Slowly I can see that amount of passion changing and growing. This generation is about making things happen. Chances happen. And have major changes happen.

Everyday is a new day to find something new about us and what is around us. It's all about making your path through life and leaving someone to talk about it in the end. Try to make that occur in your lifetime. Honestly those are just some of the major things I learned in high school. That's why today is so bittersweet. I am beyond thrilled to start the next chapter of my life. But its finally hit me that I learned a great deal being in the Class of 2014.